Postdoctoral Fellowships

The University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center is committed to provide cancer research programs and opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral associates and many hold appointments as graduate faculty in UH Departments. UH Cancer Center faculty offer the opportunity of hands-on research experience in cancer biology and population sciences to graduate students and postdoctoral associates. This is accompanied by focused journal clubs, seminars, symposia, and data clubs to enhance their career training and create a community of young scientists in which ideas can be readily shared.  Our researchers participate in the following graduate programs: Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, Office of Public Health Studies, Human Nutrition, Department of Chemistry, Pharmacology (University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo), Psychology, and Nursing.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

The University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center is committed to provide cancer research programs and opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral associates and many hold appointments as graduate faculty in UH Departments. UH Cancer Center faculty offer the opportunity of hands-on research experience in cancer biology and population sciences to graduate students and postdoctoral associates. This is accompanied by focused journal clubs, seminars, symposia, and data clubs to enhance their career training and create a community of young scientists in which ideas can be readily shared.  Our researchers participate in the following graduate programs: Cell and Molecular Biology, Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, Office of Public Health Studies, Human Nutrition, Department of Chemistry, Pharmacology (University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo), Psychology, and Nursing.

Multiethnic Cohort Study

T32 Postdoctoral Fellows
T32 Postdoctoral Fellows (left to right): Devon Cataldi, PhD, MS, Catherine Walsh, PhD, MS,
Janine Abe, PhD, MS, Cherie Guillermo, PhD, MS

T32 Postdoctoral Fellowships - Multidisciplinary Training in Ethnic Diversity and Cancer Disparities

This joint T32 postdoctoral training program at the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) and the University of Southern California (USC) Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (NCCC) addresses cancer health disparities utilizing a unique resource, the Multiethnic Cohort (MEC) Study.

Trainees will experience the interdisciplinary nature of behavioral, environmental, genetic and epigenetics causes of cancer disparities through individually tailored educational and research experiences. Given that this postdoctoral fellowship is a bi-institutional training program (UHCC: lifestyle, diet/nutrition and biomarkers; USC: genetics/molecular epidemiology, biostatistics/bioinformatics), all postdoctoral fellows will be exposed to a wide range of innovative molecular and traditional epidemiological approaches.

Pacific Center for Genome Research

Pacific Center for Genome Research

The U54 Pacific Center for Genome Research’s Genomics Workforce Development Core, funded by the U54HG013243, introduces the PoWER-G program- Promotion of Workforce Employment and Readiness in Genomics. Designed as a dynamic graduate-level “workforce-in-training” initiative, PoWER-G aims to establish a robust integrated educational pipeline, providing comprehensive training and professional development in genomics and bioinformatics. The program will be open to undergraduate, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. More information on training opportunities will follow.


Advanced Training Program in Artificial Intelligence for Precision Nutrition Science Research (HI-AIPrN)

The Advanced Training Program (T32DK137523) in Artificial Intelligence for Precision Nutrition Science Research (HI-AIPrN) offers multidisciplinary predoctoral and postdoctoral training. More information on training opportunities will follow.