Genomics Laboratory Services

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Download our GBSR Shared Resource Cost Guide - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Nucleic Acid Isolations

Nucleic Acid Isolations

Genomics Lab offers DNA and RNA extractions using commercially available kits with modifications appropriate to your project. Genomics Lab performs manual extractions in an RNA-work dedicated space to minimize the possibility of compromising your highly sensitive RNA sample. Please contact us with any questions or requirements.

The assessment of DNA and RNA purity and concentration can be done using any one of our Sample Quality measures. Initial assessment of RNA purity and concentration is performed by NanoDrop spectrophotometer analysis. RNA integrity is determined using the Agilent BioAnalyzer. Simultaneous DNA/RNA extractions are recommended for mammalians solid tissues and cells. We routinely offer DNA and RNA extraction services from the following sources:

  1. Whole Blood
  2. Buccal swabs/ Saliva
  3. FFPE
  4. Plant and Animal Tissue
  5. Environmental
  6. Cell Pellets
  7. Bacterial

If you have other sources not listed above, please contact us.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.

DNA/RNA Sample Quantity & Quality Analysis

DNA/RNA Sample Quantity & Quality Analysis

Genomics Lab offers 4 different methods to analyze your samples based downstream applications.

  1. The Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer is an electrophoresis solution that is suitable for NGS, gene expression, and genome editing workflows.
  2. The Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer is a benchtop fluorometer that uses a highly sensitive fluorescence-based quantitation assay for DNA, RNA, microRNA and protein.
  3. The NanoDrop 2000 is a full-spectrum, UV-Vis spectrophotometer used to quantify and assess purity of DNA, RNA, and protein.
  4. The Molecular Devices Spectramax Gemini XPS is a microplate reader that provides a flexible environment to determine the optimal excitation and emission settings for fluorescence intensity assays. We typically run picogreen reactions to determine quantification of DNA.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.

Real-Time Quantitative PCR

Real-Time Quantitative PCR

Genomics Lab offers Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR) on the QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System. This system is designed for compatibility with TaqMan® Assays and SybrGreen chemistry. The QuantStudio 12K Flex System is optimal for a full range of TaqMan® analyses, including:

  1. Absolute Quantitation
  2. Standard Curve
  3. Relative Quantitation
  4. Relative Standard Curve
  5. microRNA and small noncoding RNAs
  6. Protein analysis
  7. Protein thermal shift
  8. Comparative CT (∆∆ CT)
  9. Presence/absence (Plus/Minus) assays with an internal positive control
  10. Melt curve analysis
  11. Genotyping (including real-time amplification)
  12. Pathogen detection

Genomics Lab also offers the TaqMan OpenArray® format which accelerates genomic validation and screening, driving over 150,000 data points per work day, enabling most projects to be completed in days instead of weeks.

For additional information visit TaqMan qPCR page.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.

NextGen Sequencing

NextGen Sequencing

Genomics Lab offers next generation sequencing featuring Illumina's NextSeq 500 and iSeq 100 systems. We offer a full suite of services ranging from library preparation, library QC to sequencing. Our standard sequencing services include Single Cell-sequencing, mRNA-seq, total RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, exome-seq and small RNA-seq. We welcome custom sequencing projects. To discuss your project, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

NextSeq 500
The Illumina NextSeq 500 System is a desktop sequencer with power and flexibility to carry out applications such as whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, whole transcriptome sequencing, mRNA-Seq, and methylation sequencing, among others. In a single run it can sequence up to 16 exomes, up to 20 transcriptomes, up to 96 targeted panels, up to 40 gene expression profiling samples, and a full human genome at 30x coverage. Users can choose between high-output or mid-output flow cell configurations. At high output, up to 400 million paired end reads can be generated (at 150 bp read length) to produce up to 120 Gb of data in 29 hours.

For additional information visit the NextSeq 500 page.

iSeq 100
The Illumina iSeq 100 Sequencing System makes next-generation sequencing easier and more affordable than ever. The iSeq 100 System is ideal for small whole-genome sequencing (eg, bacteria, viruses, plasmids), targeted sequencing of a set of genes or gene regions, gene expression analysis, and 16S metagenomics.

For additional information visit the iSeq 100 page

Sequencer Specifications
NextSeq 500 iSeq 100
Maximum Reads Per Run (Paired End) 400 Million 4 Million
Maximum Output 120Gb 1.2 Gb
Run Time 12-30 hours 9 to 17.5 hours
Maximum Read Length 2 x 150 bp 2 x 150 bp

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.

NanoString nCounter System

NanoString nCounter System

The NanoString nCounter system is an automated system that provides a direct measurement of gene expression using a novel digital color-coded barcode technology. Up 800 different targets can be analyzed within a single specimen of any species using NanoString’s pre-made CodeSets or a custom designed CodeSet. The data is quantitative and provides accurate, precise and reproducible results without the need for amplification. The NanoString Digital Analyzer counts single molecules tagged with unique color barcodes rather than measuring fluorescence intensity for quantification. The system is flexible with the ability to detect RNA, miRNA, DNA, and protein in a variety of different sample types, including:

  1. Tissue (fresh, frozen, FFPE)
  2. Crude Cell & Tissue lysates
  3. Whole Blood, other Biological Fluids
  4. Total RNA
  5. Genomic DNA

For additional information visit the NanoString nCounter page.

View or download the UH Cancer Center Sample Submission Guidelines.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.



Qiagen PyroMark Q24 pyrosequencing is a simple and robust technology for quantification of sequence variants (SNPs/mutations) and epigenetic DNA methylation (CpG analysis). Pyrosequencing data is a quantitative measure of each detected nucleotide and is ideal for measuring relative amounts of CpG methylation, allele quantification, and mutation analysis. Typical read lengths are 50-60 bases, but like with any sequencing technology, the maximum length will be dependent on the template secondary structure, base content, quality of PCR-product, and other parameters.

For additional information visit the PyroSequencing page.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.

Microarray Analysis (Methylation, Genotyping, Gene Expression)

Microarray Analysis (Methylation, Genotyping, Gene Expression)

Genomics Lab offers full service support for all Affymetrix GeneChip system applications and all Illumina Infinium BeadChip applications.

Affymetrix Microarray Analysis: Application areas that benefit from this approach include plant and animal genomics and transcriptomics, basic research, and industrial application of technologies for breeding, population diversity and conservation, trait analysis, and more. Unique solutions are also available for cancer research from discovery to clinical research and validation, such as cytogenetics research of constitutional and cancer disorders. Genetic studies of human complex traits, Mendelian disorders, and populations can be advanced with Affymetrix microarray analysis, such as through population-optimized and application-optimized genotyping to enable human genetic research workflows. Genomics Lab supports the GeneChip cartridge format which accommodates one labeled sample per array. Microarray Analyses include:

  1. Agrigenomics Solutions
  2. Human Genotyping
  3. Transcriptome Profiling
  4. miRNA Profiling
  5. Cytogenetics/Copy Number Analysis

For additional information visit the Affymetrix page.

Illumina Infinium BeadChip: Our iScan System supports our broad portfolio of innovative genetic analysis assays for genome-wide or targeted genotyping, methylation profiling, and cytogenetic analysis. The iScan System uses advanced laser and optics components to offer sub-micron resolution and maximize throughput rates. The result is rapid scan times without sacrificing data quality and reproducibility. With high call rates, sensitive measurement, and wide dynamic range, the iScan system reliably produces exceptional data quality. Genomics Lab supports the analysis of genome-scale DNA methylation patterns and is able to provide a complete service from genomic DNA isolation through bisulfite conversion to generation and QC of array data. Key applications and methods include:

  1. Methylation Array Analysis
  2. Human Genotyping
  3. Plant and Animal Genotyping

For additional information visit the Infinium page.

Please submit samples using our sample submission form.